Polypropylene (PP)

PP Series: Glass fiber reinforced, carbon fiber reinforced, antistatic, other filling
Polypropylene (PP for short) is a non-crystalline thermoplastic plastic with high impact resistance, strong mechanical properties, and resistance to a variety of organic solvents and acid and alkali corrosion. It has a wide range of applications in the industry and is one of the common polymer materials. The addition of PP to glass fiber and other polymer mixed chain improvements can increase rigidity and strength, reduce warpage and thermal expansion coefficient, and are mostly used in consumer product collars.
Transparency. Impact resistance. High rigidity. Weather resistance. Easy to process
Application Area
Auto industry. Household appliances. Electronic. Package. Textile. Building materials and furniture. Luggage/storage box





10% glass fiber reinforced, good fluidity


15% glass fiber reinforced, good impact resistance


30% talc reinforced, high rigidity, low shrinkage


10% talc reinforced, good impact resistance, low shrinkage


Strengthened by 40% talc powder, the fluidity is improved well. High rigidity, high heat resistance


30% talc fortified, high viscosity. high rigidity


▌ PP composite material series

composite material
Product numberSpecificationsApplications
GF glass fiber reinforced gradePPG11010% glass fiber reinforced, good fluidityCar fan blades, car frames, cooling fan units, motor housings, air filter units, foot pedals, medical aid chairs, car bumpers, fenders, auto parts, electrical appliances, sports equipment, machinery industry, office chair handles
PPG12020% glass fiber reinforced, good fluidity
PPG13030% glass fiber reinforced, high rigidity
PPG14040% glass fiber reinforced, high rigidity, high heat resistance
GF glass fiber reinforced toughened gradePPGZ1515% glass fiber reinforced, good impact resistanceFurniture chairs, medical auxiliary chairs, wheelchairs, car air filter housings, water dispenser filter housings, audio housings, etc.
PPGZ3030% glass fiber reinforced, good impact resistance
MF mineral fiber reinforced gradePPM11010% talc fortified, low shrinkageAutomobile spare parts, automobiles, electrical industry, automobile instrument assembly, gear box assembly, wiper baffle, storage box frame, direction lamp holder, cup holder, stopwatch, fan blade frame, range hood edge cover.. .wait
PPM11515% talc fortified, low shrinkage
PPM12020% talc fortified, low shrinkage
PPM13030% talc reinforced, high rigidity, low shrinkage
40% talcum powder reinforcement, high rigidity, high heat resistance, low shrinkage
MF mineral fiber reinforced toughened gradePPMZ1010% talc reinforced, good impact resistance, low shrinkageAutomotive interior accessories, home appliances, door panels, lampshades, automotive instrument assemblies, gear box assemblies, wiper baffles, storage box frames, direction lamp holders, cup holders, stopwatches, fan blade frames, range hood side covers ...wait
PPMZ2020% talc reinforced, good impact resistance, low shrinkage
MF mineral fiber reinforced injection gradePPM115HFFortified with 15% talc, good fluidity, low shrinkageLampshades, automotive interior accessories, home appliances, door panels, lampshades...
PPM120HF20% talcum powder fortified, good fluidity, low shrinkage
PPM130HF30% talcum powder reinforcement, improved fluidity, high rigidity, low shrinkage
PPM140HF40% talcum powder reinforcement, improved fluidity, high rigidity, high heat resistance

pa6 長期耐溫塑膠. 高剛性 低吸溼 尼龍 pa,pp 複合材 抗靜電 導電尼龍 nylon 複合材料peeationtpr 雙射射出 overmolding抗靜電 esd靜電消散 塑膠粒 複合材料塑膠 東福 勇letstaiwan engineering plastics耐磨耗系列--尼龍(pa)系列、pom系列聚丙烯p

冠華 尼龍

taiwan engineering plastics耐磨耗系列--尼龍(pa66)系列、pom系列pps碳纖強化系列(esd)-toraycapa6 pellet masterbatch,nylon engineering plassolvay peek 導電 抗靜電 蘇威nylon grain quotationtpr 雙射射出 overmolding,抗靜電 esd靜電消散 塑膠粒 複合材料塑膠 東福 勇發 榮紹 科森 永湖toray pps film薄膜toray pps carbon,熱阻塑膠 耐溫塑膠 長期耐溫塑膠高剛性 低吸溼 尼龍 pa6pp 複合材 抗靜電 導電. 尼龍 nylon 複合材料,peek 導電 複合材料nylon 抗靜電 導電pp+gf30 長纖強化pa 尼龍 nylon,尼龍66 v-0 防火nylon 複合材料尼龍66 低溫耐衝擊東麗pps 聚苯硫醚,peek gf30toray ppssabic 聚丙烯pa6 超韌 耐寒,pa66 尼龍66pa66 ptfe. 尼龍6 防火 阻燃透明 塑料 抗靜電,pc碳纖維 無人機cm3004 v0南亞 塑膠 原料低溫耐衝擊尼龍6,尼龍66 防火級尼龍66 複合材尼龍6 玻璃纖維nylon 導電,台化 塑膠 供貨pa66 供應商pps gf30pp 玻纖 礦纖,抗靜電 透明材料. pa66工程塑膠pom gf30esd靜電消散,尼龍 工程塑膠尼龍 pa66pp 複合材料pom 塑膠鋼,pc gf30pa6 複合材pp玻纖強化級pa gf30,pa66鐵氟龍pp gf30tpe彈性體南亞 塑膠粒. 塑膠粒 廠商尼龍 pa6pp 抗靜電尼龍 複合材,聚丙烯 玻纖pcr塑膠粒台塑 塑膠粒日本東麗尼龍,尼龍 鐵氟龍台化 塑膠粒尼龍玻璃纖維ps 抗靜電,尼龍66廠商abs抗靜電喬福 塑膠粒. 東麗尼龍66,抗靜電abs蘇威peek尼龍 塑膠粒pps 導電,國喬 塑膠尼龍超韌級esd塑膠抗靜電橡膠,尼龍 礦纖導電塑膠粒pps東麗尼龍粒報價,尼龍 阻燃冠華 尼龍. 尼龍塑膠粒塑膠原料,工程塑膠塑膠材料聚碳酸酯尼龍加纖,尼龍玻纖pp導電pc導電聚丙烯,pa6nylon glass fiber reinforced (taiwan) pl2200cf 3300cf 3100cf 導電 抗靜電 複合塑料plastic compsite masterbatchs,engineering plastic pellets.